Below are examples of the different granite colors that Seaside Memorials offers. If you do not see a color you want then we may be able to get that color from our supplier. Also the colors in the photos may slightly vary to what color you actually see in person. We have also included some descriptions of the granite colors to help you understand the differences.
Georgia Grey
Quarried in the Elberton GA. area, Georgia grey is very popular with many customers due to the beautiful contrast between the frosted & polished areas once sandblasted.
Morning rose or North American Pink This granite color is a mix of of the red and pink granite families. In the direct sunlight you can see variations of both colors. It's a great color mix that pleases both men and women.
Medium Barre
This granite is mottled grey and white in color and comes from Barre, Vermont. Medium Barre granite is a popular material for granite memorials in the U.S. due to its consistency. It is slightly darker than Georgia grey granite.
Dakota Mahogany
This stone is quarried in South Dakota. The granite is a warm, rich color that consists of reds, blues and browns. The granite is a high-contrast stone which makes it great for carving and lettering.
Ruby Red (India Red)
This stone is a beautiful red granite quarried in India. The red in this granite is one of the richest and brightest reds of any material used for monuments.
Jet Black
Jet Black granite is a very clear solid black with no veining. This is a popular choice of granite, because of its clarity, when you choose to have lettering and or designs laser etched on the stone. It has a deep dark shine when polished.
American Black
This black granite with the white variegation veining is quarried in St. Peters, Pennsylvania. Sometimes called French Creek or Fox Hill Black. It has proven itself to be one of America's most popular domestic monumental granites.
Grey Cloud
This stone is a variegated granite quarried in Lithonia, Georgia. The granite has been used for many building projects and is also a great granite to use for monuments. This granite looks good polished or steeled.
Blue Pearl
This lovely granite originates from Norway, where this type of igneous rock is found. It is prized for its high polish and the labradorescence of its feldspar crystals, and is used as a dimension stone. It is known informally as Blue Pearl Granite throughout the granite industry.
Cherokee Marble
This marble is quarried in Tate, Georgia and is a popular material for memorials. The material is white with grey veining. Because it is a natural material, the variegation in the material is different in each piece.
Pink Pearl
This granite is quarried in the Elberton, GA. granite district. This variegated granite is used mainly for granite bases (for bronze) and benches. In certain angles of sunlight you can see the pink in the granite.