Seaside Memorials offers ceramic portraits for our headstones. Portraits are nice way to personalize your memorial. The portraits can be added to a new memorial or added to an existing headstone that is already in the cemetery. The popularity of the portrait has increased quite a bit over the last 15 years and so has the technology of how they are made. Our ceramic portrait manufacturer now offers a lifetime warranty against fading on all their products. This gives us confidence that decades from now our portraits will still look good as new. We offer many different sizes and shapes so check out our selections below to see if there is something you may like or want to get a price quote on. We also have a selection of frames and framed doors for our portraits in case you might want to add one.
granite example 1
granite example 2
Some examples of granite headstones with a ceramic portrait.
bronze example 1
bronze example 2
Some examples of bronze memorials with a ceramic portrait.
Below are the size and shape charts. All portraits can be made in color or black & white.